💬Context by Nosenudge

Read this for the project's context.

GM Boogers! Nosenudge here. This will read more like a personal note, sharing our journey and what we're expecting out of the project. It will be a very transparent recount of what happened, so read and dig deep!

Initially, when we started, we know just wanted to make some money, learn some new skills along the way, and build something storied and outlandish. The NFT craze made it seem like anyone who can draw a doodle on MS paint can make it in this space. It's a hype and billions are being poured into the space, why not participate and do something worthwhile?

I mean, noses? But we made it work. We brainstormed, we debated over certain mechanisms, we learned, we researched, we did the art, pulled some early support, and we started minting.

Well, mint went slow. For 2 months now (it is paused now as of writing). And having known what we know now, it's a no-brainer that mint stagnated. Most of the more experienced NFT traders who were in our discord knew this, but they were too nice to say it bluntly. We had upwards of 300 members leading up the mint, with a supply of 3,456 and a price of 0.5 SOL. Sure, some people voiced some concerns, but many just kept to themselves. Essentially, it boils down to something like: "I'm not gonna mint, supply's too high and it's 0.5 for some PFP with no clear roadmap".

Sure, we're doxxed (fully doxxed, too!) and, we didn't do too terribly on mint relatively, after having seen many botched launches with sub-10 mints, etc. Reaching 60 on day one with an average of 3 Nose per wallet really gave us the boost of confidence. Our IRL friends (the earliest of Boogers) showered us with their support without even knowing what NFTs really are or what they could do. They believed in us.

Even through the slow mint, we stuck around, our Boogers stuck around. We continued weekly raffles, consistently put out educational streams and videos, and we never stopped learning. We minted our own $SNIFF tokens, airdropped them to our snapshot of holder wallets, drafted tokenomics, and did more research than we've ever done. We got a few more organic mints from first-timers, and many people actually shared how much they've learned from our sessions.

Obviously, that's not a fraction of what we've intended to do. We came to build, and buidl we must. Our original branding and values revolved around education and being beginner-friendly. We do not see any reason to stop being educational, as we believe that is still a gap needing to be filled. But that's just not sexy enough. Most of the traders and investors of this space are already educated - maybe they'd like to support education - but they still want returns that matter to them. And that is DAO, rev. share, listing, staking, ponzinomics, etc.

We'd love to do that too, IF AND ONLY IF it made sense. We needed to be sure, 100% sure that the decisions we make are morally and ethically aligned to the values we hold. It matters to us what we put out into the world. It matters that we deserve the support that we get. We hit pause. We took a step back, revamped the website, closed the discord, stopped all activity and began on our journey to give the Noses a second breath.

We have since gotten ourselves immersed into the mints (degen or not), actively took part in Twitter spaces, and held conversations around projects. We have gone through dozens of metas, saw what other NFT utilities there are, and understood what metas people liked and hated. I personally learned more Rust, Anchor, and what the deal with Solana Programs were. We also know that they are ever-evolving and one fan-favourite today could be an overdone dud tomorrow. The only constant is change.

Originality has never been the goal, executing better than the "copy" is.

With our newfound knowledge and wisdom, we returned to the drawing board and started rebranding, reworking our roadmap, rethinking what the utilities could be, brainstormed the further vision for the project and what longevity means for us.

Did we mention that the first move we made on Solana was to start this very project a few months ago? Looking back, it's an unconventional move, but it's what led us to this very moment. If we could've had it any other way, that'd be a paradox. The "build the plane while it's flying" strategy certainly has its pitfalls, but if we stuck with it, it could be the most rewarding thing ever. Especially if we just kept flying.

I asked my co-dev the other day: "Hey, say... If this plan botches. Nobody reads anything, we can't get our word out, no one's excited. What, then?" Her: "No plan Bs, we keep building."

TL;DR: We launched the project. Hit a snag. Pivoted. Reworked roadmap and rebranded. Now relaunching. If you've made it this far, join us! We'll be your best friends forever. ;)

And with that, I'll let the rest of the aitepaper speak to you!

Last updated