
Learn about the story of the Noses and how they came to be.

Factions and Origins

In a parallel world, not long after the Big Bang, random Snot elements first collided and created the three Primordial Noses.

The three factions were always at war.

In the aftermath of The Final Millennium War, The Great Confusion arose and gave rise to a time marred with heavy scholastic debates, arguing the intentions and origins of entities long extinct.

The 3,456 (now 999) Noses, bearing only marks in homage to their lineage, decided against their originators' war-mongering nature and started living in harmony. Each brings to the table the best they can offer, in exchange only for camaraderie. Instead of competing for resources, the Noses got together to figure out how to leverage each others' strengths to advance as a society.

The Aquanoses were adept at voyaging and hydro logistics, the Terranoses efficiently managed land and worked the forges, while the Ethernoses dictated the world of the written word. Working in synergy but never at the cost of another, they always found new ways to empower one another. Initiatives to improve and challenge the status quo is always carefully debated, discussed and peer reviewed. All efforts to do so are then rewarded appropriately in $SNIFFs.

As all systems do decay even in the most perfect of worlds, the Noses agreed to a tradition of holding an annual Nosy Day. The importance of not having tradition devolve into a boring observance was very high, so Nosy Day was not set on a predefined day every year. The day is randomly announced by a piece of self-governed clockwork machinery dubbed "Nose Bot". This kept the tradition fresh, even after many returns of the Nosy Day.

Nosy day is celebrated by all forms of review and reflection, checking in oneself, a best friend, family, neighbours or just any passerby. It is, after all, in the nature of the Noses to be nosy by default. The special day does not change anything, it just makes thing more holiday-ish.

The random nature of the date the day is observed keeps it in the back of everybody's mind. In a way, it cultivated a state of mind of constantly being in tune with the world and community at large.

This practice led to a way of life that is both constantly empowering and effortlessly harmonious.

They were eager to share their ways with others, and that's when they realised...

They weren't alone.

We The Boogers

You and I, we are Boogers. We were the products of the Noses. Unbeknownst to the Noses, the original Snot element still exists and has gained sentience. We were transported to a foreign world, right after we were made. The primordial goo that started all that life on this planet? Yup, that's the Noses' doing, all by accident.

We were made to believe we were humans, natives of the Earth. Since our creation, we have never forgotten our roots, and have always tried to find a bridge to our Noses.

At long last, we finally have the technology to meet our makers. For better or worse? For better, definitely better.

The Saga Continues

The Nose Age is just the beginning of a series of Golden Ages to come. Their story will yet be told...

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