🤝Ethos and Inspiration

Our values and role models.

  • Education

The first step to empowerment is the eradication of illiteracy and ignorance.

We continue to include our community in building together - and share everything we learn along the way - openly and generously.

  • Self-acceptance

Generally, education does not only inform, but it also empowers. Education promotes reason and fuels curiosity. Ignorance is bliss, sure, but knowledge is lamborghinis in the garage. Knowing allows us to learn acceptance, acceptance of the fact that we are all dealt different hands at birth.

That what we are born this way. Cue Lady Gaga.

We want to celebrate self-acceptance by incoporating themes of self-aware humour, positive body-image, our collective individuality (oxymorons, anyone?) and more in our future drops within the Meta Age series.

  • Power to the people

A better future for what we build can only exist in a world where mass adoption of Crypto/NFTs can happen. And that can only happen with education. After all, the promise of decentralisation is that the power returns to the people, onto ourselves, rather than to a select few.

Building a community of creators to design a better future, collectively.

  1. This means we build transparently, any tools and utility we build for the NFT project will be open-sourced. Our process will be shared, and questions are more than encouraged.

  2. Shining the light on artists and builders. The value that we build, we want to share that with other creators who share our value of empowerment. To provide a platform to artists who want to participate in the NFT art space, and for developers to find projects to work on.

  3. Holding ourselves to a standard and ensuring accountability. We do this by providing clear messaging and concise details of deliverables.

We look outward and draw inspiration from the ecosystem's brightest. Below is a non-exhaustive list of projects we look up to and refer to in cultivating our own project.

Supporting 1/1 Artists and being a cultural voice for the Solana NFT space. They popularised the WL-only meta. They have gone against the grain while they were cultivating their community. The heavy focus on lore and artwork cemented their status as a high-quality project.

BUIDL, BUIDL, BUIDL. A federation of builders serving as the ecosystem's role model in building for the people. The constant building is an inspiration to all, and we hope to see more people emulate their diligence.

A great role model for organic community building and providing free and ungated utility from day one. The can-do, will-do team of Researchers willingly and openly share their wisdom without prejudice.

Builders. Cleaning up Solana, burning one rugged project at a time. Interesting, gamified faucet-sink utility and internal economy while serving as an artist launchpad. Consistently building new features.

The staking utility for this project is made possible only because of this open-source tool. Builders who build in public benefit not only themselves or their users, but also other builders who are learning and looking for reference.

Last updated